Educators take a moment a check out Timez Attack. It is an impressive new video game exclusively for learning multiplication tables. It's as high-tech and entertaining as a top video game, yet as rigorous and effective as one-on-one training with a skilled teacher. I’m a teacher of students with learning disabilities and emotional impairments who love playing video games, yet NEED basic math facts instruction. This works for them! School budgets are tight. However, do at least review this educational game as a possibility for future purchase. There is a free version available…check it out! There is one huge downfall…presently this program only runs on PCs, not MACs.
This post is probably TMI about me... but health and wellness are things I am passionate about from head to toe, inside and out-- to include menstrual health. Any of you heard of The DivaCup? I use to sell it at my online store. I'm now out of stock. The other day I got to thinking how long it has been since I first started using a menstrual cup in lieu of tampons. It's been about 4 years now at least. I'm sure it was either shortly before or after I got Sisterlocks Either way... it too is a decision I don't regret making much like my decision to get Sisterlocks. I had been a tampon user since a teen and had become increasingly concerned about toxic shock syndrome. Not because I had ever experienced any symptoms but I just got to wonderin' were there any OTHER options to tampons and pads. Oh the wonder of the Internet... I got to Googlin' up some stuff and lo and behold... alternatives existed and had existed for years. You may be amazed as I was that there ...