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Who dat gonna do her own retightenings...who dat?? Who dat!?! DAY 3: Frustration/Pride

(First of all, I got smart y'all and began my day with a good attitude, breakfast, supplements and a Motrin for my arms...)

DAY 3: I am struck with frustration with separating tightened sections from those not tightened. My clips are slipping. I can't see. What was a cleared area somehow sneaks another hair or whole another lock in to the area I'm attempting to tighten. "AWWW!" Yet, on a happier note--- I am VERY proud with how far I've come and how neat it looks! Of course, I have a WHOLE LOT of time on my hands now to do my own retightenings being that I'm a teacher and school's out for the summer. I'm thinking that I will probably STILL be going for retightenings with Paulette as long as I have the cash to do so just for the sheer amount of time it takes me to complete this task.

Now, I am a bit of an overacheiver... I've got this whole top of my head to complete. (The part in the big knot in the center of my head)

...and the very back of my head "WHEW!"

Paulette did suggest that I allow myself 2 weeks to complete my whole head. Again, I say, "WHOA!"


Thanks in advance for sharing!!


Maryee said…
Take your time and don't be distracted while you are retightening your locks. Rubberband the other sections neatly and make sure they are tight enough where you can tell if you are actually pulling locks that shouldn't be pulled on. I'm pretty bad, cause I haven't used clips in years. However, I would not have married a few locks had I been obedient. With that being said, follow ALL of Paulette's instructions and don't be in a race to get finished in under 2 wks. Your time will get better, but skill is what's important right now. Keep up the good work! HTH!
z said…
I part my hair into about 8 sections and then I work on the back sections the first day, then the front sections the second day. A year ago when I first became a DIY-er, it took me nearly a week to finish, but now i'm down to two days. I hope to be even faster eventually but I also know that I must take my time. Also, I make sure to sit down while doing my hair because if my arms get tired, then I can lean them against the arm rest.

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