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Ladies Only ... Which Movie Star Are You?

This is kind of fun!
Ever wonder which movie star you are most like? Seems I'm like Lena Horne... and I AGREE!

Well, a team of researchers got together and analyzed the personalities of movie stars.
The gathered info has been incorporated into the following quiz.

There are only 10 questions so it doesn't take long.

Number your paper from 1 to 10, then answer each question with the choice that most describes you at this point in your life , and then add up the points that correspond with your answers.
Share the fun and leave a comment as to who YOU ARE MOST LIKE... okay?!

Now, don' t look ahead or you will ruin the fun!

1. Which describes your perfect date?
a) Candlelight dinner for two b) Amusement Park c) Roller blading in the park d) Rock Concert e) Have dinner & see a movie f) Dinner at home with a loved one
2. What is your favorite type of music?
a) Rock and Roll b) Alternative c) Soft Rock d) Classical e) Christian f) Jazz
3. What is your favorite type of movie?
a) Comedy b) Horror c) Musical d) Romance e) Documentary f ) Mystery
4. Which of the following jobs would you choose if you were given only these choices?
a) Waiter/Waitress b) Sports Player c) Teacher d) Policeman e) Bartender f) Business person
5. Which would you rather do if you had an hour to waste?
a) Work out b) Make out c) Watch TV d) Listen to the radio e) Sleep f) Read
6. Of the following colors, which do you like best?
a) Yellow b) White c) Sky blue d) Teal e) Gold f) Red
7. Which one of the following would you like to eat right now?
a) Ice cream b) Pizza c ) Sushi d) Pasta e) Salad f) Lobster Tail
8. Which is your favorite holiday?
a) Halloween b) Christmas c) New Year's d) Valentine's Day e) Thanksgiving f) Fourth of July
9. If you could go to any of the following places, which would it be?
a) Reno b) Spain c) Las Vegas d) Hawaii e) Hollywood f) British Columbia
10. Of the following, who would you rather spend time with?
a) Someone who is smart b) Someone with good looks c) Someone who is a party animal
d) Someone who has fun all the time e) Someone who is very emotional f) Someone who is fun to be with

Now total up your points on each question:
1. a-4; b-2; c-5; d-1; e-3; f-6
2. a-2; b-1; c-4; d-5; e-3; f-6
3. a-2; b-1; c-3; d-4; e-5; f-6
4. a-4; b-5; c-3; d-2; e-1; f-6
5. a-5; b-4; c-2; d-1; e-3; f-6
6. a-1; b-5; c-3; d-2; e-4; f-6
7. a-3; b-2; c-1; d-4; e-5; f-6
8. a-1; b-3; c-2; d-4; e-5; f -6
9. a-4; b-5; c-1; d-4; e-3; f-6
10. a-5; b-2; c-1; d-3; e-4; f-6

NOW . take your total and find out which Movie Star you are:
(10-17 points) You are NAOMI CAMBELL: You are wild and crazy and you know it. You know how to have fun, but you may take it to extremes. You know what you are doing though, and are much in control of your own life. People don't always see things your way, but that doesn't mean that you should do away with your beliefs. Try to remember that your wild spirit can lead to hurting yourself and others.

(18-26 points) You are DORTHY DANDRIDGE: You are fun, friendly, and popular! You are a real crowd pleaser. You have probably been out on the town your share of times, yet you come home with the values that your mother taught you. Marriage and children are very important to you, but only after you have fun. Don't let the people you please influence you to stray.

(27-34 points) You are BEYONCE : You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of back stabbers, and you are worry-free.

(35-42 points) You are JADA PINKETT-SMITH: You are a lover.. Romance, flowers, and wine are all you need to enjoy yourself. You are serious about all commitments and are a family person. You call your Mom every Sunday, and never forget a Birthday. Don't let your passion for romance get confused with the real thing.

(43-50 points) You are LENA HORNE: You are smart, a real thinker. Every situation is approached with a plan. You are very healthy in mind and body. You don't take crap from anyone. You have only a couple of individuals that you consider 'real friends'. You teach strong family values. Keep your feet planted in them, but don't overlook a bad situation when it does happen.

(51-60 points) You are HALLE BERRY: Everyone is in awe of you. You know what you want and how to get it. You have more friends than you know what to do with. Your word is your bond. Everyone knows when you say something it is money in the bank. You attract the opposite sex. Your intelligence overwhelms most. Your memory is the next thing to photographic. Everyone admires you because you are so considerate and lovable. You know how to enjoy life and treat people right.


Chelle27 said…
From the looks of it I am Jada Pinkett Smith and what was said is somewhat true about me!! Lol
Maxizone said…
I am Jada!
Yes, some similarities I suppose - but there are certainly bits of me in all of the star profiles.
3girlsmomma said…
I hear you, Maxizone... very true.
...just good clean fun! However, so far between you and Chelle27 we've got some loc'd "LOVERS" at my blog!! -lol

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