This post by Sisterlock Consultant Tonita from the LockItUp Yahoo Group was just so well said that I HAD to post it on my blog:
Tonita is soooooooo right!
When you make the decision to get loc'd, you 'let go and let God' of sorts as it relates the very strands of hair on your head. Of course, those who don organic locs would probably disagree that Sisterlock'd sistahs & brothers are REALLY letting go of their hair CONTROL tendencies.
NEVERTHELESS, when you make the decision to loc your hair there is NO crystal ball into the future as to how your hair will look in its mature loc'd state. The locking experience is INDEED a journey. Just as Tonita eluded to DO YOUR HOMEWORK UPFRONT, be sensitive about who you "marry" as your SL Consultant and begin to develop a relationship of mutual respect, compliance and most of all patience as you embark on your personal loc journey.
I found having my Sisterlocks for 4 years now that each stage of growth causes YOU to mature-- on VARIOUS LEVELS --along WITH your hair.
The questions you should ask when you are thinking about locking your hair should revolve around starting techniques and how you can expect your locks to look in the early weeks and months.
Tonita said it best, " WILL HAVE that plucked chicken look we all did. You WILL HAVE beautiful locks, WE ALL DO." STAY the course... go in faith and patience with yourself and in EVERY STAGE of your loc experience.
For many it is not an easy decision to change hair styles. With SL's you are changing your hair completely and that causes some anxiety.
Before SLs I trusted my cosmetologist to perm, style, condition, braid, jheri curl or whatever to my hair. Rarely did I ask questions or felt like I needed to. I sat in the chair and knew I would be pleased when I left.
SL consultants are operating on the same principle. We do good work. Your consultant's goal is to do her very best for you and all others who seek her services. Some consultants aren't cosmetologists, but the love of locks brought them to SLs and they to share it with others by installing and maintaining locks.
Don't be concerned about every step of the process. Don't fret if you have 349 locks instead of 350, don't examine every lock for perfection, don't worry about slippage it's gonna happen, you will have that plucked chicken look we all did. You will have beautiful locks, we all do.
You want SL's. You've done your research and consultation, you have test locks, the next step is installation.
Trust your consultant.
Tonita is soooooooo right!
When you make the decision to get loc'd, you 'let go and let God' of sorts as it relates the very strands of hair on your head. Of course, those who don organic locs would probably disagree that Sisterlock'd sistahs & brothers are REALLY letting go of their hair CONTROL tendencies.
NEVERTHELESS, when you make the decision to loc your hair there is NO crystal ball into the future as to how your hair will look in its mature loc'd state. The locking experience is INDEED a journey. Just as Tonita eluded to DO YOUR HOMEWORK UPFRONT, be sensitive about who you "marry" as your SL Consultant and begin to develop a relationship of mutual respect, compliance and most of all patience as you embark on your personal loc journey.
I found having my Sisterlocks for 4 years now that each stage of growth causes YOU to mature-- on VARIOUS LEVELS --along WITH your hair.
The questions you should ask when you are thinking about locking your hair should revolve around starting techniques and how you can expect your locks to look in the early weeks and months.
Tonita said it best, " WILL HAVE that plucked chicken look we all did. You WILL HAVE beautiful locks, WE ALL DO." STAY the course... go in faith and patience with yourself and in EVERY STAGE of your loc experience.
You're so on-point and I'm enjoying the wisdom coming from more 'experienced' sisterlockers.
Have a great Holy Weeekend!