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TotalBlender: Vita-Mix for Dummies?

Being a lover of all things natural, healthful, organic and simple… I was challenged today by Shelly—Michigan’s Total Blender Rep at COSTCO today over my love for my VitaMix Blender. (I really hate to call my VitaMix a “blender” cause it does so much more than just blend stuff…It makes smoothies, fresh juice, ice cream, milkshakes, cappuccinos, margaritas, soups, sauces, bread dough, dressings, salsas and and other great stuff. It basically replaces up to 10 other appliances!)

First of all, you've gotta know that I have been a proud VitaMix kitchen appliance owner for over 7 years—with no problem WHAT-SO-EVER. It STILL makes soups, smoothies, pulverizes grains or tough skins and cleans with ease. I LOVE IT and really have no complaints. Until, Shelly, today… with HER Total Blender.

I called it the “VitaMix for dummies” as it was totally automatic, with few accessories, and buttons on this new blender that automatically shut off when the blending process was complete. The machine automatically varied its speed to complete a blending job in just minutes. My readers, I hated to say it but… OMG this new Total Blender was S.W.E.E.T.! It was Strong, Wider than my VitaMix, Easy to use, Effective, and Tiny but mighty.

I couldn’t believe it!! The so-called "VitaMix for dummies" as I dubbed it was looking REALLY SMART... and guess what!? The Total Blender cost less expensive than my VitaMixer product!

Shelly sealed the deal with a little demo… making one of her favorite recipes—
Peanut Butter Ice Cream. Now readers, I trust you are like "uuuugh, that’s sounds disgusting!" Oooooooh, but it TASTED delicious containing freshly blended peanut butter (using the TotalBlender), banana, vanilla pudding powder, animal crackers, ice, and non-diary creamer. It was so smooth, favorful, cool and refreshing.

I was so impressed by the TotalBlender that I had to blog about it!

While I have a healthy respect for the forerunner that started in the late 1930s –VitaMix, I’m lovin’ the TotalBlender!!

As a LOYAL VitaMix user, these are my top 4 reasons to buy The Total Blender over the Vita-Mix appliance.

1. Shorter/Wider container – conserves storage space and/or fits under cabinets
2. The Total Blender does not need a tamper (because of container design).
3. Automatic shut-off and built-in variable speed control4. Less expensive than the VitaMix

Who’s getting married? Register a TotalBlender

Who’s remodeling her kitchen? Save counter space and gain storage space by eliminating your blender, food processor, juicer and mixer. Get a TotalBlender

Who’s loves her VitaMix, but is open to an upgrade? ME!
Somebody buy me a TotalBlender !! –lol...unless you’re gonna do it.

Thanks Shelly... you made a believer out of me!  

See a live demo, visit under RESOURCES> LIVE DEMO and choose a location in your area. In the meantime, check out the crazy TotalBlender vids at


christilocs said…
Hello, I am a vitamix user and i love it. Wonderful for me it fit's under my cabinets. I have not seen the Total Blender and I am scared to see it because I am a loyal vita fan.
3girlsmomma said… VERY afraid... because I ENTIRELY had no intention on falling in love with the TotalBlender! I trust like YOU, my thoughts for YEARS have been "AIN'T NOTHIN' GOT IT GOIN' ON LIKE MY VITA-MIX!"

I guess, it is like my momma always says and like her momma use to say to us both..."JUST KEEP ON LIVIN'...keep on livin'"

I would seriously like for you to see if there is a live demo going on in your area (don't make a special trip or nothin' but...) just try it out in person and let me know what YOU think! I respect YOUR opinion knowing that YOU KNOW all about our wonderful Vita-Mix appliance.
Unknown said…
The total blender is an awesome product! I not only sell them but use mine everyday. It is not only more powerful but easier to use, more compact, and less expensive. Our machines are in every Starbucks in america. We also have machines in Jamba Juice, Panera Bread, Dunkin Donuts, and other various businesses. I recommend you come and see a demo, I promise I will make you love this machine, It is not hard to do, it is wonderful! If you go to click on resources then click on live demos it will tell you where I will be and when. I look forward to seeing you there!

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