You've seen her YouTube videos all over the web... no doubt, you've seen the results of her beautiful SpringLocks techique on her client Antoinette's Sisterlocks. I recently placed an order for her most recent instructional video. Now... you, my Natural Journeys readers, already know that pipecleaners are my curling tool of choice among hair spools, SoftSpikes, the Wrap-A-Loc tool, and bantu knots. Truly, it's all in the technique because the tools are simple. Those who are "in the know" you must compensate... and I ain't mad at 'em! Go forth my dear sistahprenuers!
I'm very pleased with my results!! Thanks Phyllis-the Videotician for sharing. I love the Web for learning ANYTHING about which I'm ignorant. My photos posted here show my good and BAD technique and my really nice results-- for the FIRST TIME. I've been rockin' my long lasting set for a week now. LOVE IT!
Hope this helps...