I am a proud Market America UnFranchise business owner. VERY PROUD, in fact, being just back from #MAIC2014. I'm proud because I have FINALLY gotten involved with a system that makes complete sense to me on spiritual, intellectual, economic, and community levels. The limitations of becoming successful with Market America are solely that of the individual's lack of effort to: engage in result producing activities; invest in his/her training; continue to learn; execute the plan, and renew one's mind and behavior. COLLABORATION is key in these business opportunity. I'm all about that-- my dissertation research focus is COLLABORATION.
These are my people-- MY maBUSINESS PARTNERS! I love them ALL! #maFamilyLove
These are my people-- MY maBUSINESS PARTNERS! I love them ALL! #maFamilyLove
Our team comprises of different ages, ethnicities, and home states, yet ONE common purpose ECONOMIC FREEDOM. We each are working for a life of service unto others...
Our team comprises of different ages, ethnicities, and home states, yet ONE common purpose ECONOMIC FREEDOM. We each are working for a life of service unto others...
Duane McLaughlin -
Christian Artist
Christian Artist
Doesn't the concept of turning one's spending to earnings JUST make sense to YOU? We've got the vehicle to make it happen...
It is a small whole after all...in this fast paced knowledge economy WHY NOT LET people power their own economy. With the Unfranchise system, it is possible to accomplish with Market America's turnkey system.
It is a small whole after all...in this fast paced knowledge economy WHY NOT LET people power their own economy. With the Unfranchise system, it is possible to accomplish with Market America's turnkey system.
I am already familiar with vertical teaming as an education professional. The concept supports collaboration versus competition. Vertical teaming works best when an solid established process can be replicated. Market America has established a vertical marketing compensation plan (e.g., BASE 10, Seven Strong and the ABC Pattern) that is WIN-WIN throughout your business organization and the maFamily of UnFranchise business owners at large... http://www.marketamerica.com/mrswaddell
The global community is not left out either... If ANY OF THIS IS MAKING SENSE to you and you live outside the USA please visit, http://global.shop.com/mrswaddell/ for more information.